3D Experiments



MASH test

MASH test

Get Out the Vote GIF

Get Out the Vote GIF

John Stewart Head Sculpt First attempt sculpting in Blender

John Stewart Head Sculpt
First attempt sculpting in Blender

Game Monetization GIF Concept for visualizing in-app purchases and other mobile gaming microtransactions.

Game Monetization GIF
Concept for visualizing in-app purchases and other mobile gaming microtransactions.

Dragon fractal in houdini

Bifrost Particle test

Bifrost Particle test

Moebius jumbo slice

Moebius jumbo slice

Batman GIF Inspired by the isometric art of tactics-style RPGs.

Batman GIF
Inspired by the isometric art of tactics-style RPGs.

GSB Social GIF Unused concept for Good Science Beauty social channels.

GSB Social GIF
Unused concept for Good Science Beauty social channels.